Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Training and Career Development Strategies help to solve IT Thesis

Training and Career Development Strategies help to solve IT Professional Retention in Vietnam - Thesis Example on then on how to help the IT professionals actually realize their role in making a better Vietnam through embracing the international practices of being an IT worker. Since it is understood that the birth of IT in the country still remains to be young, it may not be that easy to help the people within the country realize that they are indeed doing an important job for their country. (Belinda, 32) Some may even loose interest once faced with too much pressure at work thus simply decide to change their career concentrations to less stressing ones compared to that of the IT operations that they are involved with at present. Hence, in this section of the study, understanding how to effectively motivate the said professionals of Vietnam through an effective management approach and efficient training procedures shall be well discussed. Because employees need to learn how to work with new equipment-such as word processors, computers or possible, robots, companies are finding that they must offer proper planning programs that are often sophisticated enough to support the skills enhancement needs of the employees. Training and development include all attempts to improve productivity and competencies of the employees. Training focuses on short-term skills, whereas development focuses on long-term abilities.(Neelankavil, 1992, 33) It should be noted though that both training and development programs include three steps: (a) assessing the needs of the organization and the skills of the employees to determine training needs, (b) designing training activities to meet the identified needs and (c) evaluating the effectiveness of the training. Some common training and development activities are employee orientation, on-the-job training, job simulation and management training. (Hubert, 2006, 437) (a) Employee training is the activity that initiates new employees to the organization; to fellow employees; to their immediate supervisors and to the policies, practices, and objective

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